Did you think that your relationship with both both your spouse or partner and your teen would cause you this much worry, stress, pain and frustration? 

Can you relate to any of the following concerns?

  • I feel like my spouse or partner and I are growing apart because of what is happening with our teenager.
  • My spouse or partner and I argue much of the time about how we should be parenting our teenager.
  • I am worried about my teenager's behavior.
  • I feel like my spouse or partner blames me for our teenager's difficulties.
  • I feel like I don't even know my teen anymore.
  • My spouse or partner and I cannot agree on the rules for our teenager.
  • I feel undermined by my spouse or partner some of the time and feel set up to be the "bad parent".
  • I feel like no matter what I do as a parent, it is wrong or ineffective.
  • I feel like my spouse or partner is too rigid in their parenting of our teenager which is resulting in even more problems.
  • I find myself worried, sad, angry and frustrated regarding my teenager much of the time.
  • I feel like the stress in our relationship and in our home is not healthy.
  • I feel like the issues with our teenager are consuming our lives and our relationship.
  • I don't feel like we are parenting as a united front or that we are on the "same team".
  • I want my spouse or partner and I support one another and I want us to be able to parent our teen effectively.
  • I want to be happy in my relationship and to feel more secure and effective in the parenting of my teenager.


  • Imaging feeling like you and your spouse / partner are on the same page regarding how you are parenting your teenager. 
  • Imagine not losing sleep or worrying about your relationship with both your spouse / partner and your teenager.
  • Imagine not feeling like your teenager is consuming and/or ruining your relationship.
  • Imagine not having concerns that your spouse / partner will change a decision you made about a rule or consequence for your teen.
  • Imagine feeling a connection with your teenager again.
  • Imagine not losing sleep or being distracted with worry, fear and frustration related to your teen's behavior.
  • Imagine living in a more peaceful household. 
  • Imagine being able to have meaningful conversations about your teenager with your spouse / partner without yelling, swearing and arguing.
  • Imagine not having to battle with your teen every time you ask them to do something.
  • Imagine having your teen take responsibility for their own behavior.
  • Imagine being able to spend enjoyable time with your teenager and your spouse / partner.
  • Imagine getting to the place where you feel like everything will be okay with your relationships with both your teen and your spouse / partner.
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You don't just have to imagine this.

You don't need to just imagine this.  This can become your reality. While your children should be one of the most important parts of your life, your teenager should not consume your life or your relationship. You should be able to go to work, run errands and spend time with friends without constantly worrying about your teenager. You should be able to spend time with your spouse / partner without the stress or arguing about how you are parenting your teenager.

You, along with anyone else in your home should enjoy a peaceful environment that is free from constant arguing or disrespect. You should be able to confidently implement a rule or consequence, knowing that your spouse / partner will have you back.  You should have your teen respect and follow that rule or consequence, while also setting a good example for any younger siblings that may be in the home.  

Imagine a week where your teen comes home when they should, picks up after themselves and engages with you in a positive manner.  This is possible.  That younger version of your child who was loving, happy and respectful is still there and with the right support, you can reconnect with them.  As a coach, I will walk beside you to help you achieve your goals in regards to your relationship with your teenager, and with each other.  We will develop an individualized and specific plan that will support you in managing your teens challenging behaviors.  

Imagine a week where you and your spouse / partner feel connected and supported by one another about how to manage your teenager's behaviors. Imagine your teenager not being able to find the "loopholes" in your parenting or being able to cause you and your spouse to argue, thus taking the attention off their own behavior.

I have worked with hundreds of parents of teenagers and I have seen relationships improve, behaviors improve, academic performance improve and households go from intolerable to enjoyable. I once worked with a father who said, "I run multi-million dollar companies and I can't figure out how to get my son to behave responsibly". I think this sums it up for many parents. You are smart, you are a good person, you care about your spouse / partner and are trying really hard.  However, despite all of that, you are feeling like you are not as effective as you want to be, as a couple in addressing your teen's behaviors. I've work with parents of teens who are disrespectful, who don't follow their curfew, who don't attend school, who are using alcohol or drugs, who don't want to get out of bed and who act out aggressively to name a few of the presenting concerns. In working with parents of teenagers I use my background as a licensed therapist, along with my experience as a certified coach, to teach and support them in using specific techniques that get them the results they desire based on their individual situation.

This program is the only program I offer for couples with my highest level of support and spots are very limited.  I require that both parents are interested in, and willing to work on the challenges they have been facing.  If I am full at the time you sign up, you will have the option to be added to a waiting list.

Things don't need to continue to be the way they have been but in order for them to change, you need to do something different.  This could be the answer you are looking for if you are willing to be coachable, have an open mind and be consistent with the strategies I will teach you.  With the highest level of access to me outside of coaching sessions, I will partner with you so that you can see changes as quickly as possible.

You can do this.  Day one or one day...you decide.



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Individual coaching calls with me

4, 45 minute, couples coaching calls with me each month via Zoom video or telephonic only (your choice). We will create a concrete plan, specific to your situation that will help you in effectively addressing your teens behaviors.

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Unlimited Voxer support

In between our coaching calls, you will have unlimited access to me via Voxer for group texts or group voice texts  to support you when something unexpected comes up. The 3 of us will be on all texts so that we maintain clear and open communication.

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1 coaching voucher / month of coaching

Once our coaching is complete, you will have 1, 30 minute bonus voucher, per month of coaching, for a "check in" session following our work together.  This will allow me to support you, even after our official work together is done.

I'm ready to change things now!

Click below if you are worried things will not improve or will even worsen if they keep going as they have been, with both your relationship as a couple as well as your relationship with your teen. I will be your coach and your partner, with the only coaching program I offer to couples. 

This level of support is intensive with DAILY ACCESS TO ME so that we can get things back on track as quickly as possible. We will work together, as a team, to improve things with your relationship as a couple as well as to address the concerns you have with your teenager.

Yes - Let's Do This!

Couples Intensive Program Process

Prior to our first session, I will send you a form for you to fill out together so that I have some background.  This will allow us to maximize our time together so that you are able to leave the call with an action plan.  

Unlike many other coaching programs, each session is 45 minutes long so there is enough time for me to fully understand your situation, along with enough time for us to develop a concrete plan of action each week.  While we will focus on your relationship with your teenager and with each other.  We will also focus on your overall well-being since the worry, stress and frustration has likely been taking it's toll on you.  In our weekly calls, we will talk through any situations that arise and talk through and mediate any disagreements about what should have been done. I will teach you new skills, as is needed, and we will make a new plan for the following week.

I will offer you my expertise but also support, accountability and encouragement as we go through this process together.  Accountability is a key component of coaching that significantly contributes to its effectiveness. By changing your behavior and response to both each other and your teen, your teen's behavior will change and your relationship will improve.  To do this, you will need support along the way since this will not always be easy.  If it was easy, you would have done it already, right?

In addition, since we can't plan for what will happen week to week with your teen (I wish we could!), you will have unlimited access to me via Voxer in between coaching calls.  This will allow you to text me or voice text me in a group text with all 3 of us, at any time, to update me on a situation or to get additional support.  This is not an "on call" system where I will immediately respond (although sometimes I may if not in coaching sessions and not sleeping), however, I will generally respond within 12 hours or less, 7 days per week.  I will always respond within 24 hours. This is a game changer since otherwise, you may need to wait 6 days between sessions for additional coaching and support.  With this added component, you can receive daily support if needed.

If things don't change, what will your life look like in a month, in 3 months or in a year?  How will you feel if things don't get better, or if they get worse? 

I've seen so many parents suffer as they watch their teenager make poor decisions, engage in risky behavior and disrupt their household for years while at the same time losing the connection and support of their spouse / partner.  It does not need to be like that for you.  Get the help you deserve, see some results and get things back on track for all of you.



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I'm ready for this now!

Click below to get started as soon as possible!  This is the only support I offer for couples and you will have access to me DAILY.

As soon as you sign up, we can get your first session scheduled so I can fully understand your specific situation and we can come up with an action plan you can start implementing right away.

I look forward to working with you you both and  I am committed to supporting you and to restoring peace of mind during the teenage years.


Want to learn more before deciding?

Click below to schedule a FREE, 30 minute consultation with me to see if coaching is a good fit for your needs.  When you click below, you will be directed to my calendar and can book a call with me. Once scheduled, you will receive an email from me with log in details for a Zoom call - you can join by video or just dial in if you prefer.


Yes - let's talk before I sign up!
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